David Steinepreis

3257 days ago

Polemos: Rogue alert - David Steinpreis is on board

AIM dog Polemos (PLMO) - or should that be PMSL - is a cash shell formerly run by the great promoter Big Dave Lenigas but now run by his sidekick Donald Strang. Assuming its assets held for resale are realised at the half year 2014 book value it should still be sitting on cash and cash equivalents of c£200,000 but that probably only gives it to Christmas until it has to pass the hat around again.


4020 days ago

Aim Cesspit - the end of Norseman Gold?

Norseman Gold (NGL) has been kicked off AIM.

The suspended shares are being de-listed at once. This was a bad tip from me and fits in with the general rule “never tip dual listed Aussie companies on the AIM Cesspit.” Good Australian companies can raise plenty of cash back in the land of high culture. Bad ones tap up folks on the Cesspit. I apologise for getting it wrong – its management including David Steinepreis have an awful lot more to apologise for. The game is not 100% over but I would suggest that if Dave tries to list anything in London ever again you pass on that offer.

The company is now again in control of its assets. But it was told by AIM that it needed to present a business plan and show that it had the working capital to execute it within six months of its suspension or get de-listed. The management asked for a one month extension but did not deliver and so the shares were booted off the Cesspit.

The shares remain listed on the ASX

